Andamos Finos Blog

Consejos y curiosidades para la salud de tus pies y piernas

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Descubre el camino hacia piernas saludables

¿Dormir con medias de compresión, sí o no?

Los calcetines de compresión son conocidos por sus múltiples beneficios, especialmente cuando se usan durante el día: mejoran la circulación, reducen la hinchazón y alivian el cansancio en las piernas....

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¿Debes usar calcetines de compresión para dormir?

Los calcetines de compresión son conocidos por sus múltiples beneficios, especialmente cuando se usan durante el día: mejoran la circulación, reducen la hinchazón y alivian el cansancio en las piernas....

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¿Por qué notamos los pies fríos?

Especially in the coldest times of the year, many people notice cold feet, no matter how many socks they are wearing or how warm they are . This, which we...

Cold feet: what are the causes and what are the...

Especially in the coldest times of the year, many people notice cold feet, no matter how many socks they are wearing or how warm they are . This, which we...

Consejos para prevenir la aparición de varices en las piernas

Varicose veins are a common condition that affects many people around the world. Although they are not dangerous in their initial phase, if they continue to develop, they could pose...

How to prevent varicose veins: 7 routines you s...

Varicose veins are a common condition that affects many people around the world. Although they are not dangerous in their initial phase, if they continue to develop, they could pose...

Regalar a una enfermera calcetines de compresión para prevenir las piernas hinchadas

If there is a job that is carried out out of true passion, it is that of a nurse , one of the most important professions in society , along...

5 gift ideas for nurses

If there is a job that is carried out out of true passion, it is that of a nurse , one of the most important professions in society , along...

La fatiga muscular puede aparecer al correr

Muscle fatigue is an old acquaintance of athletes , whether elite or amateur. But it is also suffered by people who do some more or less intense physical activity ,...

What is extreme fatigue and muscle weakness

Muscle fatigue is an old acquaintance of athletes , whether elite or amateur. But it is also suffered by people who do some more or less intense physical activity ,...